
Naira To Euro Aboki Blackmarket Exchange Rate Today


The Naira to Euro Aboki Blackmarket rate as of today is between N1250 – N1270. If you are buying the Euros with Naira, you would buy it at the rate of N1270. However, if you want to convert your Euros to Naira, the rate is N1250. In this article, you will find out the analysis of the Naira/Euro exchange rate.

Euros Rate

Naira Rate

Buying Rate: N1250

Selling Rate: N1270

Naira To Euro Aboki Blackmarket Exchange Rate This Week

In the week starting from December 14, 2023 – December 20, 2023, they have been stability in the dollar currency to the Nigerian currency at the black market. On Sunday and Monday (earlier in the week) they have been no increase in the rate of buying and selling of the naira to the dollar. However, on Tuesday, there has been a slight increase in the buying and selling rate of the two currencies. Here is a layout of how the two currencies are performing so far this week:

Buying Rate

Selling Rate


December 14, 2023

Buying Rate: N1250

Selling Rate: N1270

December 15, 2023

Buying Rate: N1250

Selling Rate: N1270

December 16, 2023

Buying Rate: N1250

Selling Rate: N1270

December 17, 2023

Buying Rate: N1247

Selling Rate: N1260

December 18, 2023

Buying Rate: N1247

Selling Rate: N1260

December 19, 2023

Buying Rate: N1230

Selling Rate: N1250

December 20, 2023

Buying Rate: N1230

Selling Rate: N1250

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Advantages Of Black Market Exchange Rate

Here are some of the most important advantages of the black market exchange rate:

Foreign Currency Availability

Black markets frequently provide access to foreign currencies that are scarce or closely controlled by the official exchange rate system.

Higher Exchange Rates

When compared to official rates, black market rates can often provide better exchange rates, potentially resulting in enhanced purchasing power for people who use the black market.

However, you must assess the drawbacks, which frequently outweigh the supposed benefits:

Legality: In many countries, black market transaction is prohibited and can result in legal penalties such as fines and jail.

Absence of openness: Due to the absence of openness and consumer safeguards in black market transactions, individuals are prone to fraud and scams.

Economic Instability: A country’s capacity to manage inflation and preserve currency rate stability might be hampered by widespread usage of the black market.

The development of a black market can syphon resources away from the legal economy, lowering tax revenues and impeding economic progress.


How much is 1 Euro in the black market today in Nigeria?

1 Euro in the black market today is N1270. This rate may have slight differences where you live.

How much is $100 to Naira in the black market?

$100 to Naira in the black market is N127,000

What is the Euro to naira bank rate today?

The Euro to naira bank rate is $1 = N1270.

What is 1000 Euros in the black market?

1000 Euros to naira in the black market is N1,270,000.

How much is $10 to naira?

$10 to naira is N12,700. This may have slight differences where you live.


The rates may differ slightly if you intend to buy from a different vendor.

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