
Naira To Pounds Aboki Blackmarket Exchange Rate Today


The Naira to British Pounds Sterling (GBP) Aboki Blackmarket rate as of today is between N1500- N1530. If you are buying the pounds with naira, you would buy it at the rate of N1530. However, if you want to convert your pounds to naira, the rate is N1500. In this article, you will find out the analysis of the Naira/Pound exchange rate.

GBP Rate

Naira Rate


Buying Rate: N1530

Selling Rate: N1500

Naira To Pound Aboki Blackmarket Exchange Rate This Week

In the week starting from December 14, 2023 – December 20, 2023, they have been stability in the GBP currency to the Nigerian currency at the black market. On Sunday and Monday (earlier in the week) they have been no increase in the rate of buying and selling of the naira to the pound. However, on Tuesday, there has been a slight increase in the buying and selling rate of the two currencies. Here is a layout of how the two currencies are performing so far this week:


Buying Rate

Selling Rate


December 14, 2023

Buying Rate: N1530

Selling Rate: N1500

December 15, 2023

Buying Rate: N1530

Selling Rate: N1500

December 16, 2023

Buying Rate: N1530

Selling Rate: N1500

December 17, 2023

Buying Rate: N1530

Selling Rate: N1500

December 18, 2023

Buying Rate: N1530

Selling Rate: N1500

December 19, 2023

Buying Rate: N1530

Selling Rate: N1500

December 20, 2023

Buying Rate: N1530

Selling Rate: N150

Facts About British Pound Sterling (GBP)

– The term “pound sterling” is derived from the Greek word “libra,” which means “weight and balance” in Greek.

– The Bank of England issues the pound sterling. The Bank of England is the only acknowledged authority for over 300 pound sterling issuing banks.

– The first pound coins were issued in 1489 during Henry VII’s reign.

– The United Kingdom’s (England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland) official currency is the pound sterling.

– There are pound sterling notes in the following denominations: There are 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 pound sterling coins in the following denominations: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 pence, as well as 1 and 2 pounds.

– During WWII, the Germans did all they could to depreciate the pound sterling, including mass-producing counterfeit notes.


How much is 1 pound in the black market today in Nigeria?

1 pound in the black market today is N1500. However, this rate is dependent on the vendor or Bureau The Change personnel you go for.

How much is 100 Pounds to Naira in the black market?

100 pounds to Naira is around N15,000. It is wise to note that, there might be slight differences depending on the vendor you use.

What is the Pounds to Naira bank rate today?

The rate of British Pounds Sterling (GBP) to Naira today is N1500.

What is 1000 Pounds in the black market?

1000 pounds in the black market today is N150,000.

How much is 5 pounds in the black market?

5 pounds is worth N7,500 naira.


It is good to note that the rate of pounds to naira may have slight differences at Bureau The Change centers or vendors.

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