How To Stop Loan Apps From Accessing Your Contacts
The major reason why many shy away from borrowing money from loan apps is that they may get access to their contact list. As such, the staff of the loan platform may begin to say things that the borrower may not want to expose to their contact. If you are in these shoes, you may wonder how to stop this. Yes, you are at the right place. In this article, you will be reading procedures on how to stop loan apps from accessing your contact list. Let’s find out below.
How To Stop Loan Apps From Accessing Your Contacts
To stop loans from accessing your phone contacts, you just need to follow some simple steps. Here they are:
Step 1. Go To Settings
The first step to solve this kind of issue is by accessing your Settings. So, locate and tap on the Settings icon on your smartphone. In many Android smartphones, it is usually represented with a gear symbol or a spanner symbol. When you see it, tap on it to get started.
Step 2. Click On Apps And Notification
The next step after tapping on Settings is to click on the Apps And Notification option. It would be displayed among the list of options that would be displayed to you when you tap on the Settings icon. It is usually the first option among the set of options that would be displayed to you.
Step 3. Click On The Loan App
After you have selected the Apps And Notification option, you will be shown a list of the available apps on your smartphone. When you see the loan app, just tap on it. A new screen would then be displayed to you.
Step 4. Go To Permissions
On the new screen that would be displayed to you, you would see an option titled Permission. Under the Permission option, you would have to select another choice.
Step 5. Deny Access
Under the Permission option, an option that allows you to accept or deny your loan app access to your contact would be displayed to you. If you wish to deny your loan app access to your contact list, then tap Deny. If you don’t wish to do so, click on Accept.
This is the most recommended procedure to take if you wish to deny your loan app access to your contact list. It is a commonly used approach to solve this problem. However, if this doesn’t work for you, there are other methods you can try. The next subheading focuses on that.
Other Ways To Stop Loan Apps From Accessing Your Contacts
In this section, you will be reading on ways to stop loan apps from accessing your contacts. Let’s get started!
1. Uninstall The App
Many have found it helpful to uninstall the loan app when they find out that the loan app has gotten access to their contact list. This is quite useful but on the other hand, you would not be able to use the loan app any longer. By uninstalling the app, you would not be able to receive updates on the latest happenings on the app, and many more packages that the app offers.
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2. Borrow Loans From Registered Organizations
Sometimes, obtaining loans from unregistered organizations can also cause a loan app to get access to your contact list. On the other hand, obtaining loans from registered loan apps prevents them from accessing your contact list. For instance, the Fairmoney loan app states in its Terms And Conditions that they would not have access to your contact list even when you borrow a loan from their platform. Aside from Fairmoney, other registered loan app also follows this pattern when providing loan services to their customers.
3. Repay Your Loan
Another reason why some loan apps may opt to send your contact unsolicited messages or calls may be that you still owe them. Refusing to pay may prompt some loan apps to gain access to your contact. So, when you borrow money from loan apps, be sure to pay before the stipulated time to prevent them from gaining access to your contact list.
To be on the safe side, it is good to note that repaying your loan on a loan app helps you retain a good credit score. Along with that, it would prevent loan apps from reaching your contact list. So, emphasis should be on repayment of your loan before the given deadline to avoid any loan app from accessing your contact.
How do I remove contact access from loan apps?
To remove contact access from the loan app, you have to restrict the permission of the loan app. To do that, go to your App Settings and select Deny Permission under Contacts.
How do I stop an app from accessing my contacts?
To stop an app from accessing my contact on my phone is to deny its access to your phone. Go to the app Settings and under the Apps and Notifications option, then, click on the app and select Deny.
How do I remove my information from the loan app?
To remove your information from the loan app, you would have to delete your account from the loan app. You can email the loan platform to remove your account from their database.
Can loan apps access my photos?
The loan app can access your photos if you grant permission to it from your device. To avoid this, deny permission to access your photos.
What happens when an app has access to your contacts?
When an app has access to your contacts, they may begin to send messages or make calls to your contacts. Some may even go as far as using your name to perform this operation.
The emphasis as a borrower should be on repaying your loan fast. You should do this before the stipulated time. This is the best way to prevent any loan app from accessing your contract without your permission. However, if after you pay back this still happens, then utilizing the steps mentioned in this article would be helpful.